How to Upload your Artwork

Uploading your artwork to Banana Print is simple. Follow this step-by-step guide to get your files over to us for printing:

  • Decide on your product options
  • Click the ‘Get Started’ button
  • Select ‘Upload Your Design’/’Upload Your Complete Design’
  • On the ‘Upload Design’ page click ‘Select File’
  • Find your file on your computer and click ‘Open’
  • If you are using double-sided printing make sure to repeat this on the back page
  • If not, just leave the back page blank
  • Alternatively, you can drag and drop your files into the labelled sections
  • Click ‘Continue’
  • Review your product options and make your necessary changes
  • Check the disclaimer box to agree to our Website and Delivery Terms
  • Click ‘Save Design and Add to Basket’
  • Done!

Alternatively, once you reach the ‘Upload Design’ page you can select to upload your artwork later.

How to Upload Your Artwork Later

  • Once you’ve reached the ‘Upload Design’ page from the previous steps, click the ‘Upload Artwork Later’ button underneath the ‘Continue’ button
  • This will take you to the ‘Select Options’ page where you can review your product options and select single or double sided printing
  • Check the disclaimer box to agree to our Website and Delivery Terms
  • Click ‘Save Design and Add to Basket’
  • Complete your transaction
  • Once you’re ready to upload your artwork, go to the ‘My Account’ menu and click ‘Orders’
  • On your orders page, the relevant order will say ‘Awaiting Artwork’ in red text with an ‘Upload artwork’ button beneath it
  • Select the ‘Upload artwork’ button and upload your files using the select file options on the pop up
  • If you’ve ordered single sided printing, just leave the back page blank
  • Click ‘Submit’
  • Done!