What to Put on a Business Card: 7 Details You Can’t Forget


Because business cards are so commonplace (and partly because they are so small), most professionals opt for a standardized layout and design that is easy for others to read. As a result, most people put the same kind of information on their business cards — the essential info that helps their clients or colleagues identify them. These specific details have become de rigueur for today’s professionals, which means they are necessary when designing your own business cards. 

How do you know what to put on your business card? Ensure your card includes:

  • Your name
  • Business name
  • Logo
  • Slogan
  • Website address
  • Job title
  • Contact information

The Front of Your Business Card

A business card represents two different entities: you and your business. Typically, designers separate these two entities when creating a card layout. On one side of the card (the “front”), you’ll see information about your employer and the work they do. On the other side (the “back”), you’ll find specific information about you and your job. 

The front of your business card should contain all the information someone needs to understand your company at a glance. You can accomplish this by including four pieces of information on your card: the company name, the company logo, and slogan or tagline, and the address to the company website. 

Your Company Name

It might seem obvious to include a company name on a business card — after all, how else will people know where you work? However, some people forget to display their company name prominently on the card. Remember, your business card should tell people about your specific work and about your company as a whole. Make sure you include your company name in a large, legible font on the front of your card.

Your Logo

Your company logo is an essential part of your brand marketing. Even if people don’t quite remember your company name, a strong logo can attract attention and keep your business top of mind. This is why it’s important to also put your logo on your business cards. A logo will help push your marketing even further and imbed your brand in people’s consciousness.

Your Slogan or Tagline

A slogan or tagline is very simple: it’s just a short sentence that explains what your business does. This will help you anyone who sees your business card understand exactly what your company does — which might help them understand why they need to get in touch with you. Make sure your slogan is simple, easy to understand, and printed in a legible font on the front of your business card. 

Your Website

Your business card is just a tiny taste of information about your company. What should someone do if they want to learn more? Visit your website, of course! If you print your website address at the bottom of your card, people will be more likely to visit the site and learn more about your business. You absolutely cannot forget this little detail!

Web addresses, or URLs, tend to be long strings of words and symbols, so ensure this information easily scannable. So, remember to include only your business’ home page URL, ideally formatted like this: yourbusinessname.com. That way, anyone who receives your business card can easily just type in the address to navigate to your website. 

Back of Your Business Card

While the front of your card is dedicated to spreading the word about your business, the back of your card creates a strong connection between your business and YOU. For this reason, the back of your business card should have a similar layout and design (same colours, same fonts, etc.) as the front. You can even duplicate some elements — for example, you can reprint your company logo on the back of the card — for a more consistent look.

However, the back of your business card varies from the front in one crucial way: the information on this side is all about you. This side of the hard helps you stand out within your company as a point of contact for others, which means you need to fill this side with important info about yourself. 

The most important pieces of information to put on the back of your business card are: your name, your job title, and your contact information.

Your Name

Putting your name on your business card helps ensure that clients or colleagues seek you out as a point of contact within your company. Sure, anyone can email or call your office and ask any questions they have, but they’re more likely to get the answers they need if they know who to talk to first. If you put your name on your business card, you ensure that people get in touch with you directly — which helps them get important information and makes you a vital employee! 

Your Job Title

The back of your business card is all about creating a connection between you and your company. On the front of the card, we talked about what your company does (via the slogan), so on the back you should talk about what you do! But don’t worry — you don’t need a slogan that describes your duties. Simply printing your job title should be enough to communicate your role within the business. 

Your Contact Info

Finally, the people who get your business card will need some way to get in touch with you. If you print your contact information on the card, you’ll ensure that they do! Make sure to include as many forms of contact as possible: email, a phone number (to your direct line if you can), and physical address. This guarantees that people always have some way to reach you if necessary.

Print Your Business Cards Today

Now that you know what to put on a business card, it’s time to order your own! Explore our selection of business card templates to find one that suits your company.

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