The Complete Guide To Direct Mailers For Local Marketing

Small business owners need to find cost-effective and eye-catching ways to get their message out. In this digital marketing age, people forget about the potential of mailers to help increase sales without breaking the bank. Read on to learn what direct mailers are and how they can improve your local marketing strategy. What Are Direct…

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Creating A Customer Loyalty Card That Keeps Your Customers Coming Back

A brand lives and dies by its customers– especially its repeat customers. Developing a repeat customer base is also typically less expensive and time-consuming than attracting new customers.  The question then becomes, how can businesses turn their existing customers into loyal customers?  One simple and effective way is to offer a customer loyalty card. Punch…

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How Much Will Print Advertising Cost Your Business?

In today’s tech-savvy world, many businesses rely solely on digital marketing efforts to generate leads. While this is an effective strategy, the most successful businesses adopt a mix of both innovative digital marketing techniques and traditional print advertising. This combination allows businesses to cater their marketing campaign to potential customers in hyper-local areas and a…

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Brand Colours: How to Choose the Right Colours for Your Brand

Your brand colours help establish your brand identity, which is what sets you apart from the competition. Whether you’re launching a new brand or refreshing an existing one, it’s important to choose the right color combo. Certain colors and color combinations can elicit emotional responses from your target audience and influence how they react to…

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5 Proof Checking Tips for Perfect Print Marketing Materials

The proof check process gives content a final polish in the last stage of editing before going to print. If you are printing marketing materials for your business, it’s essential to follow proof checking protocol to avoid costly typos, formatting issues, grammatical and spelling errors.    How to Proofread Before Sending to Print If you…

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6 Tips for Effective Business Poster Design

A well-designed poster is one of the most effective and engaging marketing tools for companies both large and small. An eye-catching poster can both reel in new customers and re-impress old customers.  Designing your own poster is well within reach. Anyone can hone their design skills so that the finished product is as impactful as possible. There…

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5 Banner Materials and How to Use Them in Your Print Marketing Materials

From sporting events to birthday parties, banners are an easy and convenient way to deliver information. They are also incredibly versatile– you can choose from banners that hang on A-frames, banner stands, and adhesive banners, as well as regular hanging banners, pop up banners, and pole banners.  In order to keep your banner looking good…

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Complete Guide To Booklet Layout And Design

Creating a booklet that’s attractive and easy to digest is no easy task. Whether you’re designing a business brochure, event program, or lookbook, your booklet layout should tie all your content together to make a cohesive finished product that’s easy for the reader to understand.  Poor design is easy to spot and can spell disaster…

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